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Pastor Jay's Blog

In Praise Of Humble Men


Pride is a disease. It is another name for idolatry. Wherever it is, destruction is not far behind. Humility, on the other hand, is glorious. It is a grace-created attribute that is bold, joyous, and life-giving. Many things can and should be said about both pride and humility. But for the sake of brevity and for punch, here are quick thoughts on the contrasts between proud and humble men.

Proud men make headlines. Humble men shape lives.

Proud men make babies. Humble men make families.

Proud men step on people. Humble men exalt people.

Proud men are fearful. Humble men are joyous.

Proud men get things done. Humble men get the right things done.

Proud men seek to surpass others. Humble men seek to help others.

Proud men lead by crushing. Humble men lead by serving.

Proud men hide sin. Humble men confess sin.

Proud men reject the gospel. Humble men embrace the gospel.

Proud men think then act. Humble men pray, consult, think, then act.

Proud men are self-made men. Humble men are grace-made men.

Proud men are captivated by their own lives. Humble men are captivated by the glory of Christ.

Proud men chafe at inconvenience. Humble men rest in God’s control.

Proud men work hard. Humble men work dependent.

Proud men hate weakness. Humble men boast in weakness.

Proud men are tools of Satan. Humble men are channels of grace.

Proud men build their own kingdoms. Humble men serve the only eternal kingdom.

Proud men are in competition with God. Humble men are in fellowship with God.

Proud men love the spotlight. Humble men love the light of the knowledge of God.

Proud men serve in order to get. Humble men serve in order to give.

Proud men don’t need people. Humble men don’t need to hide their needs.

Proud men fear death. Humble men die daily.

Proud men are a blight in churches. Humble men are a blessing for churches.

Proud men carry a whip and a bullhorn. Humble men carry a shepherd’s staff.

Proud men are hard. Humble men are firm.

Proud men dictate others. Humble men disciple others.

Proud men have strength. Humble men have strength under control.

Proud men are stripped by God. Humble men are adorned by God.

Proud men will fall. Humble men will be exalted.

Proud men are temporary. Humble men are eternal.

Proud men will be in Hell. Humble men are in Christ forever.

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