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Pastor Jay's Blog

Much Prayer, Much Power



You may not know it but there is power coursing around you this very moment. It is invisible but it is as real as the air you're breathing.  What that power is doing none of us know exactly, but it is doing something.  What power is this you ask?  Electrical power?  Gravitational power?  No.  It is something far more impactful and penetrating.  It reaches through the physical and beyond the physical, into your very soul.  It is the power of God. 

How do I know that such power is at work in your and/or around you.  I know it because God has told us something, indeed many things, in his Word.  I will just give you one verse. 

John 15:7 “If you abide in me, and my Word abides in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”

It is a staggering promise; one that is repeated several times.  The core issue is that true prayer is met by true power from our good and willing Father.  And I believe true prayer is happening in our church, for all of the people connected to our church.  Where is prayer happening?

  • Some of our people have been fasting this month. They have been praying for the faithfulness and fruitfulness of our church along with certain special needs in our congregation. 
  • We have been sending out prayer lists and our people have been praying for these needs in their regular personal prayer times.
  • We have an all-night prayer vigil scheduled Friday night, and God’s people will be lifting their voices to the Father, pouring out their desire for Him to work. These will be praying according to Christ’s exhortation, “Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation…”
  • Without doubt the Spirit has been prompting his people to pray spontaneously wherever they are for needs he brings to their mind.

What is all this praying seeking to accomplish?  This is important because the effectualness of the praying it tied to the goals of the praying.  As Jesus said, “if my words abide in you”, and “when you pray in my name.”  These qualifications determine the effectiveness of prayer.  If our goals don’t match up, then our prayers fall limp and powerless. 

So what are our goals?  It is for the gospel to spread with power (Rom. 1:16).  For hearts to be compelled to share the gospel and for unbelievers to be saved (1 Cor. 9:19). It is for the Word of God to run forth and be glorified (2 Thess. 3:1).  It is for repentance to be granted (2 Tim. 2:25) and for faith to flourish (Phil. 1:25).  It is for God’s wisdom to be sought and found in his Word regarding money, marriage, parenting, sickness, etc. (Jam 1:5)  It is for unity and fervent love and true fellowship in our church (Col. 3:12-16).  It is for power in the pulpit (1 Cor. 2:4), godly leadership in our elders (1 Pet. 5:1-4), and the Spirit’s presence in our gatherings (1 Cor. 14:23-25).

Does God not tell us in his Word that he wants these things?  He does!  So will he sit by and neglect his people when they seek this?  Never!  He will answer.  He is answering.  He will glorify his name and he will do it through the prayers of his people. 

So watch and see what the Lord will do. 

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