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Pastor Jay's Blog

Quality over quantity


Quality is a great salesman word. We have all learned the hard way that getting more of something that is only going to go bad or break doesn’t make for a good deal. Quality is of first importance because something of quality is going to last, it is going to fulfill its purpose, and it is going to be a profitable investment. If you can get quality and quantity then you have hit the jackpot.

Peter cares about quality. In fact, he cares about a quality that exists on a whole different level than we typically think about. The quality Peter strives for and promotes never wears out or breaks. This is unheard of in our physical existence. This world has a curse upon it and nothing escapes its clutches. Everything turns back to dust.

But there are things that have a quality that surpasses the physical realm and thus are imperishable. Peter wants to fix our attention on these things. Why? Because quality matters. There are six things that Peter tells us about in 1 Peter that are imperishable. He wants us to see the immeasurable value of these things and move us to give our full attention to them.

1) An imperishable inheritance (1:4) – Everything in the universe is going to burn up. What are you doing storing it up? Have some savings like Scripture calls you to do, but then give your lives for the inheritance that will be given to all those who seek first the kingdom of God.

2) An imperishable faith (1:7) – How important is it to grow your faith in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ? It is unspeakably important because through faith you are bound to Him forever. Since faith is what binds us to Christ, faith is what should be grown, informed, strengthened, nurtured, disciplined, and tested. Faith connects us to infinite joy, but gold only connects us to eventual dust and sadness.

3) An imperishable redemption (1:18) – How bad was your sin? Bad enough that all the gold could not pay for it, and all the bulls and goats could not die for it. All of those sacrifices are perishable. The infinitely valuable and imperishable person of Christ died for your sin. You are bought and paid for in a way that nothing else has ever been, because you are purchased with something that will never diminish in value or effectiveness.

4) An imperishable revelation (1:23) – God’s Word is like no other book in all the world. All other words are at best helpful, but they will be finally forgotten. God’s word is different in that it is unfailing in transformative power and soul conviction. At least one of these two things will always happen because His Word is living and will endure forever.

5) An imperishable quality (3:4) – Every attribute that conforms to the image of Christ is an imperishable character quality. Wives can display a gentle and quite spirit and it is effective in relationships, because Christ has a gentle and quite spirit. When we reflect Him, we demonstrate the character qualities that will last forever, bringing joy and harmony in the relationships that will be shared throughout eternity. Having those qualities in the here and now will make relationships thrive in the here and now.

6) An imperishable reward (5:4) – The word “unfading” is the same word that is paired with imperishable in 1:4. It is a feature that goes along with being imperishable. Rewards should compel us and drive what we do. This is not mercenary, because every reward will somehow connect to knowing and loving God more. He is the great reward, and every other reward must find its culmination in Him or it won’t really be a reward. Knowing that these rewards will never become boring or common is evidence that they are not simply things. Trophies sit on selves and gather dust, but God is infinitely creative, surprising, and shocking. He is imperishable and unfading and therefore our rewards, that connect us to Him in special ways, are imperishable and unfading. Will you not strive for these with all your might?

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