The Protection of True Treasure
This whole world is one giant commercial that is constantly offering you something you don’t have. If you only get this, whatever it is, you will have protection, joy, satisfaction, stability, etc. Those who are envied are those who have this thing(s). Or if it is not a single thing, the fulfilled life is found in a “dream” that each individual is to pursue and find their fulfillment in.
It is all a lie. Now, this lie can come in spiritual form of a new God and a false religion. But since I am primarily writing to those in the church, I want to focus on stuff. Stuff is often the main idol that competes for our heart. The lie is that stuff or a “dream” will bring fulfillment. However, creatures will never find fulfillment in creaturely things. You were simply not made that way. “Stuff” can lure you onto a treadmill of emptiness, frustration, and spiritual death.
The way that Paul speaks to this in Colossians is masterful.
In chapter 1, Paul simply asserts a reality. Verse 16 says, “For by Him [Christ] all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him.” So there it is. You were made for Him. That is why you exist. You are to bring him pleasure and find your pleasure in Him. This reason is filled out more in verses 18-19. Verse 18 says He is to have first place in everything and part of the explanation is given in verse 19 which says, “For it was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him…” So do you see this reality? He made you and He must have first place because He is God. No creaturely thing will do.
If that was not good enough, in chapter 2 Paul drills this into our thick skulls again.
In verse 2, you are to attain to all the wealth that is yours in Christ. Christ is in you, so exalt in the wealth that you have in Him. What are you waiting for? Do it now! And by the way, in Him are hidden all treasures of wisdom and understanding (vs.3). So in Him you get all of that also. Are you exalting yet?
Since all of this is the case, Paul wants you to make sure you are not lead astray. In verse 4, he warns us about being deluded by persuasive argument. What is this? At least one thing is the promise, dangled in front of you by the whole world, that there is something in the world that will satisfy. But remember, it is all creaturely and if you are hooked by it, you get deluded.
He says it again in verse 8. Don’t be taken captive by philosophies. Why? They are all according to this world and not Christ. The creaturely simply won’t do.
Why is Christ all that ultimately matters? Verse 9 again shows us that it is deity that matters. In Christ all the deity dwells in body form. The only reason not to mess with worldly philosophies and worldly promises and worldly stuff is because that is all you get. At best, all you get is the world. That will never be enough. You were made for more.
And so, verse 10 says in Him you are made complete. Do you see it? What is the only thing that will complete you, fulfill you, sustain you, and satisfy you? It is deity. It is being united to God. It is having all the fullness of Him who fills all in all. You were made for nothing less. And in Christ, you have that right now. And in Christ, you will have even more in the days to come. Because that is how it works with God. There will always be more to have of Him for He is the inexhaustible fountain of glory. The world simply can’t compete with that.
Therefore, the only way to protect yourself from the promises of the world is to see that the world can’t compete with what you have in Christ. Only God will do, and you have all of Him in Christ.
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