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Discipleship is a part of our great commission. 

While discipleship can take countless forms, we believe one of the most effective forms of discipleship involves personal interaction.  Sadly, very few people in the church have ever been personally discipled.  The number is even lower for those who have discipled someone else.  But we are committed to not only making disciples, but making them in the in the best way we see how.  We are committed to face-to-face, life-on-life discipleship.   

If you are looking to grow in knowing the Bible, learning how to apply it in your own life, following Christ as a Spirit-filled person, serving the church, and reaching a lost world, then there is no better way than being face-to-face with someone who is already doing it.  

We have people in our church who are ready and willing to meet with you and begin walking towards maturity.  Talk with us about setting up a discipleship partner.