Children are a gift from the Lord.
We desire to securely watch over them when you would like to focus a little more intently on the teaching times at our church. Please know that your children are always welcome to stay with you whenever you would like.
We whole heartedly believe the Lord’s admonition to impress the truths of Scripture on your children’s hearts as you go throughout all the naturally occurring events of your day (Deut. 6:6-7). With this in mind, the worship time is a key place where your children will see you model exaltation and reverence for God and His Word.
Our nursery schedule is as follows:
Sunday School Hour -
9:15 – 10:15 Nursery for 0 – 48 months
(Please pick up your children from the nursery soon after Sunday School.)
Sunday Morning Service -
10:30 The Sunday Service begins, and you will be able to participate in the singing, prayer and offering together as a family.
11:00 – 11:45 Nursery for 0 – 36 months for the preaching time of the service
For any age of child, there will be crayons and a children’s bulletin that they can pick up on the way into the Sunday Service.
Sunday Evening Service -
6:00 The Sunday Evening Service begins, and you will be able to participate in singing and prayer together as a family.
6:15 – 7:15 Nursery for 0 – 36 months for the teaching time of the service