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Pastor Jay's Blog

This blog is Pastor Jay's weekly musings about God's Word, God's world, and God's call to our culture.  We hope they encourage, challenge, and inform you.  Sign up to recieve them in your email. 

Archives for November 2016

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A Powerful Verse for the Perseverance of the Saints

One of those doctrines that is often debated among Christians is the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints. This doctrine states that those who are truly born again will have a faith that endures to the end. There is a reason that this doctrine is debated. That reason is we all know people who used to zealously profess faith in Christ, but then fell away completely,...

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Abortion: “Privately against but publicly for” is to be publicly foolish

During the Vice Presidential debate the nation got to hear a particular abortion position articulated. Candidate Tim Kaine stated that he was privately against abortion, but supported the right to have abortions. Is this a morally legitimate position? Is this an aspect of what American Christianity can look like? Can we support policies that are sin against God? There i...

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The Resurrection is not the Apologetic Cornerstone

For many apologists and would-be apologists, there is a central single fact that serves as the cornerstone of their apologetics. It is both the frontline of engagement and the Calvary that runs in for the rescue. It is the grand evidence of all other evidences and the reality that confirms all other Christian claims of reality. This apologetic cornerstone is the resurrec...

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Don’t Despise the Differences

In regard to marriage, it is not uncommon to hear both newlyweds as well as veteran couples express dismay at God's created order. What was God thinking? Is this some kind of joke? How in the world is she a suitable helpmate when everything is such a contrast. She is more verbal, he is less. He likes totally different things than she does. Sexual desires are experienced ...

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