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Pastor Jay's Blog

This blog is Pastor Jay's weekly musings about God's Word, God's world, and God's call to our culture.  We hope they encourage, challenge, and inform you.  Sign up to recieve them in your email. 

Archives for November 2021

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Worship-Level Thankfulness

Thanks is supposed to be an everyday kind of thing for the Christian. But we sinners can mess up just about anything. For this reason, Thanksgiving is an immensely helpful holiday to reorient ourselves. One of the points of having traditions is to remind us of important things that we too easily forget. But let's grant that you haven't forgotten about thanks. You still giv...

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Is There A Gay Christian?

There is a growing movement within Christendom to have an acceptance of homosexuality while still holding to historical Christian sexual ethics. The Revoice Conference in 2018 was a significant step in advancing what are being called Side B Christians. Side A Christians fully embrace all tenets of LGBTQ practices, while Side B Christians see marriage as only between a man ...

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Three Answers For When God’s Judgment Seems Problematic

Our theology breakfast book reading has been tackling the difficult issue of election and the various doctrines of grace. One of the issues that arises during these kinds of discussions is the matter of God's justice. How it is just for God to choose some and not others? How it is just for God to create so many people only to send most of them to Hell? How is it just for G...

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