September 21, 2015
by Jay Lickey
This post is a portion from an "Ask Pastor John" podcast where John Piper speaks to the issue of righteous, godly anger. In a previous blog that you can read here, I tried to think through the dangers of anger and how to manage it. To bring in more balance, this list from Piper is exceptionally insightful about the place that godly anger should have in our lives. We are ...
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June 5, 2015
by Jay Lickey
| Tags: Relationships, COMMUNICATION
I like a sleek sports car and a power torqueing truck as much as the next guy, but I assure you I am not a gearhead or a car enthusiast by any stretch of the imagination. I could have been pretty easily, though. My grandfather worked for a Ford dealership and mechanic shop all his life. For whatever reason, those mechanical genes didn't get passed on to me. So it always ...
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January 23, 2015
by Jay Lickey
| Tags: Relationships, COMMUNICATION
In the realm of difficult questions, we often hear, "What do I say to this person?" If you are not asking that question every now and then, it probably means one of two things. Either you are avoiding certain people so that you don't have to say anything; or you are talking without thinking. If the latter is the case, you probably have shoe leather stuck in your teeth fr...
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August 23, 2014
by Jay Lickey
Last week I preached a message on what it means "to have a relationship with God." While we hear that phrase frequently, it really is a stunning thought. My message was from Psalm 21 and it dealt primarily with how God maintains His relationship with us. What I didn't deal with was the whole idea of communication. Communication stands at the heart of every relationship. ...
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August 16, 2014
by Jay Lickey
This blog post was too good to pass up. If you are not doing several of these at work, you need to do some heart probing to find out why.
Posted by Pastor J.D. Greer on August 10, 2014
I mentioned in this weekend's sermon that the Apostle Paul lived in such a way that he provoked a question. Peter said it this way: "In your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always ...
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August 10, 2014
by Jay Lickey
| Tags: Relationships, CHURCH, LOVE, COMMUNICATION
People. Oh, the complexities that come with people. There are so many personalities, so many backgrounds, so many ways we sin against one another. Challenges and perils aside, God calls us to love people and pour out our lives for them.
So let's say you want to do better at loving people. You know this is the second greatest commandment, so it isn't effort that will be ...
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April 6, 2014
by Jay Lickey
| Tags: Relationships, COMMUNICATION
Anger is a difficult thing. The reason it is difficult is because there are two things that are clear from scripture about it. First, anger is not necessarily a sin. Second, most anger is sin. To illustrate the first point, we read of God's anger in the Old Testament, we see Jesus' anger in the temple, and we are instructed in Ephesians 4:26 that we can "be angry yet do ...
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